The Catholic Cosmology

After The Resurrection, the twelve disciples moved to different areas to tell, first the Jews, then the Greeks, about The New Operating Instructions. It was tough going. All of them, with the exception of John, were murdered by those attached to the old, often erroneous, Operating Instructions that formed the basis of other religions.

Over time, enemies became brothers. Catholics predominated throughout Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Then, the Rider of the Red Horse brought a new wave of death through the Middle East and North Africa, leaving the Catholics in Europe between Pyrenees and the Baltic.

Then, Catholics developed a view of the world that, except for the computer technology introduced in the last half-century, was exactly the same as today’s Catholic Fundamentalism. After Catholics developed universities, and St. Thomas Aquinas summed up all knowledge in a logical, rational way that centered all of existence on God and His Church, Europe began to pull ahead of the rest of the world.

The weak point in the Catholic system were the universities. They were among the first institutions to be taken over by the Other Side, and became the “thorn in the flesh” of The Church. By the 1800s, they were spewing forth a view of the world, beginning with geology and Darwin, that inexorably removed The Programmer from the cosmos He had programmed.

Simply by changing the word “God” to “The Programmer”, we can extrapolate from the power of humans to program drawings, cartoons, and movies that appear on screens and products that are produced automatically by CNC machines. Now, we can picture God as The Programmer, One Whose power is so great that He can program particles and compile them into structures.

Once we add to that the concept that angels are “programming assistants”, we can more easily imagine a God powerful enough to have programmed an endless number of angelic sub-programmers who brought forth the universe and all within it in a week. He was thoughtful enough to provide programs like Carbon-14 that would allow people to choose that He was not involved in Creation at all.

The Other Side simply cannot recognize that The Programmer has that much power. Their own vanity keeps them from seeing their comparative lack of intellect compared to God, The Programmer. As we picture Him as a Programmer of particles (things that make elements) and compilations of particles (compounds), we see that with replicating, multi-dimensional fractals, the cosmos could have been put into effect in six days.

That simple notion is one of the few Catholic ideas that is uncontradictable.
