Traditional Catholics consider Catholic Fundamentalism.

Many Catholics want more of the old Mass, less of the new. They prefer altar boys to altar girls. During the Consecration, Traditional Catholics believe the priest should face away from the congregation. They appreciate the old music, the old hymns, the tried and true ways of the Latin Mass.

Many Traditional Catholics have one flaw; they do not go far enough in returning to the complete, Aquinian way of looking at the world. Catholic Fundamentalists believe that it is much more important to have the mind and its thought processes purged of mental contaminants. Most Traditional Catholics, for instance, believe that the world is billions of years old.

It’s usual for Traditional Catholics to believe in evolution, rather than in a day or two of the Creation Program that created all the plants and animals that there would ever be.

Likewise, many have become comfortable with believing that the earth is billions of years old, rather than several thousand. They may tend to be “modern” intellectually, but “old-fashioned” as far as the externals of faith are concerned. In a phrase, they have not gone far enough.

To be a Catholic Fundamentalist is to have an understanding of God’s power that lets us see that all Creation could have been programmed, and downloaded, in a week. To be a Catholic Fundamentalist is to see one’s mind, Holy Scripture, Church teachings, and all Creation made one.

We even see the angels differently. We see them as sub-programmers, able to program in three dimensions, able to program deletions and additions to thoughts in human minds, and able to bring our soul, spirit, mind and body into a closer relationship with The Loving Programmer.

Catholic Fundamentalists are not satisfied with merely returning to the ancient forms of worship. We seek a return to the Thomistic wholeness that let the Middle Ages become a beacon of faith. Seeing God as The Loving Programmer helps us begin that journey.

The Holy Spirit as Holy Wireless Connector.

The Programmer programmed. The Program, Jesus Christ in perfect, loving, human form, was sent to earth to let those who wanted to get closer to The Programmer do so by actually downloading The Program, which takes place during The Holy Eucharist. The Holy Wireless Connector, usually called The Holy Spirit, acts as the spiritual cell phone by which all human and angelic Programmed Entities communicate with both Programmer and Program.

The Programmer communicates with us through The Holy Wireless Connector. We speak to The Programmer, and to The Program, and to His angelic Programming Assistants through the Holy Wireless Connector. Without His presence, we would be utterly, frighteningly alone in a world in which chaos reigned.

The Son as The Program.

The Three Persons of The Holy Trinity are co-eternal. When we see how artists through the ages have portrayed The Trinity, often in the form of Father, Son, and Dove, representing the Holy Spirit, what we are really seeing is the programmed limitations of our human minds. We simply cannot see the Unity of The Trinity, the beatific vision of which awaits those who “pass the test” and are allowed into Heaven.

The very nanosecond that The Programmer began to Program, He knew what the entirety of The Program would be. That Program, in human and divine form, is what Christians have always called the Son. He is the perfection of God in every phase of existence.

As The Programmer and Program began in the beginning, there was, of course, a mutual awareness of the relationship between them. That living awareness is what traditionally has been called The Holy Spirit. To bring that Iron Age term into an age that manipulates electron flow as a matter of daily routine, we can see Him as The Holy Wireless Connector.

The Holy Wireless Connector is that living awareness that connects The Programmer, The Program, the Living Awareness itself, with all the programmed entities (angels and humans) that can be aware of either. It also, most notably in the case of miracles, allows for downloads, alterations, additions, and (hopefully never concerning you and me) deletions from The Program.

As we see the speed with which a skilled human programmer can make changes to his program, we may be filled with fear and trembling as we see how quickly we may be visited when our sins cause Him to contemplate pushing the “delete” key.
