War on whites.

We are used to seeing African and Asian governments attacking their own people. Now, Caucasian peoples are under increasingly vicious attacks by their own governments. The Culture of Death has destroyed education, leaving most white children as illiterate as they are innumerate. It has wiped out millions of unborn children with abortion. The Culture of Death visits shorter, diseased life spans on all those it is able to incorporate into homosexual practices. Socialized medicine has made England’s hospitals the most likely place on earth to die of needless infections. Virtually every institution in the formerly Christian countries has been undermined and weakened by a relentless assault on life, truth, and common sense.

While we are being attacked in every area of our lives, impoverishment by taxes is growing. As soon as any Caucasian (we are called that because our common ancestors, the Ten Northern Tribes, were, after 720 B.C., settled in the Caucasus Mountains) dares to stand up, he is deemed a “racist”, and most other Caucasians would rather criticize such a person from the safety of the herd rather than let themselves see the impending doom.

In our small parish, in all of last year there was one baptism. There were half-a-dozen deaths. Minority neighborhoods from Australia to England are growing rapidly, subsidized with money taken from Caucasian taxpayers.

Why does God allow this to happen to us, His chosen people, sons and daughters of Abraham? Catholic Fundamentalists believe He is turning His face from us because we have allowed abortion, the modern version of child sacrifice, to come into existence. We can, in our prayers, ask God to forgive us because most of us believe we can’t do much about it except to support pro-life causes.

Politically, trying to stop the Culture of Death in a pseudo-democrary is impossible. The enemy is so well-organized, and so wealthy, and it’s influence on elected officials is so great that there is, short of armed rebellion, little more that we can do.

He seems to be angrier at Europe for abandoning Him than at the United States. In Europe, He has allowed the invading peoples to be mostly Moslem. In the United States, most of the invading peoples are Catholic. So, we in America still have some blessing.
