Attack on the supply side.

People become more prosperous when they can buy goods and services more cheaply. Automation, for instance, drove the cost of cars from over ten thousand per unit to a few hundred, once Ford’s assembly lines got rolling. Early radios originally sold for two or three thousand dollars. Now, they’re a couple of dollars. Similar price declines went along with improvements in computer manufacturing.

The left hates prosperity. It now focuses efforts on decreasing supplies of everything. Countries are short of electricity, natural gas, oil, gasoline, plastics, metals, and housing. Each of those areas of the economy are attacked by left’s usual horde of nay-sayers. Leftists celebrate each factory that closes, each generating plant that’s shut down, every wavelength made inaccessible, and every mine that no longer produces.

Once, candidates were elected by promising prosperity. “A chicken in every pot. A car in every garage.” Now, the left is pushing tofu and bicycles.
