Plastic bags are especially useful in determining IQ.

A perennial pseudo-issue much beloved by the other side is the use of plastic bags. Plastic bags are routinely demonized. A great many of those on the left side of the intellectual bell curve are readily convinced that they should be very, very concerned about plastic bags.

Recently, one city proposed that a twenty cent tax be imposed on plastic bags. Many believe that such a tax is “only fair”, and work to have such legislation passed.

Think of the endless newsprint devoted to the plastic bag problem. Call to mind the endless news segments on TV shows devoted to the “problems” of plastic bags.

Is the problem a real one, or is it another imaginary issue beloved by those unable to rationally consider far bigger issues?

For six months, I have saved every single plastic bag I was given at every store. I have a half pound of them. All of them fit easily into two of those same plastic bags. They take up about as much space as a pillow. If I squeeze them together, they will fit into one of those bags. If I take them out and burn them, the residue would fit into a tablespoon.

Most of the problems lovingly presented by those whose brows furrow deeply over such things are similarly fraudulent.

Today, taxes went up on gasoline and diesel fuel. Tolls were raised. Children were kept from learning how to read and write as well as their grandparents. Today, several thousand babies will be torn apart by abortionists’ pliers. Thousands of people will be infected with malaria because DDT has been banned. There is rampant slavery in Africa and Arabia. People are having a hard time paying their bills because inflation is destroying the value of their money. Food prices are rising because of the lunacy of using a gallon and a half of diesel to produce a gallon of bio-fuel, each gallon of which has 2/3s the energy of the diesel used to drive the machinery to produce the gallon of ethanol. America’s manufacturing base is disappearing. Our trade deficits have risen to such a level that in another couple of decades there will be no money left in our country. Illegitimacy rates are approaching fifty percent among white people, ninety percent among blacks. Solar output is dropping, global cooling is taking place, and food production will be further reduced.

But, many are easily led to be more worried about using a pound of plastic bags over the course of a year than about any of the issues in the above paragraph.

At the same time they worry about such mindless trivia, many on the left side of the bell curve are unable to realize that plastic bags make it easier for them to get food home from the store more easily, and with less spoilage and breakage, than at any time in human history. They are blind to any positives, and can only see negatives.

Those who spend valuable living time worrying about the “dangers of plastic bags” have not only turned their face from God and His command to love their neighbors, they have turned away from rational thought, itself. One wonders if the allegation “Liberals are crazy.” is, in fact, the best explanation for their mental processes.
