Both Communists and environmentalists demand frequent “switcheroos”.

When Hitler and Stalin signed their mutual “Non-aggression Pact”, American Communists were outraged. Americans who had embraced International Socialism were livid that their hero, Stalin, had signed a treaty with their hated enemy, Hitler’s National Socialists.

Those American Communists who did not immediately and whole-heartedly switch their allegiance, as they’d previously had to do when their beloved Trotsky suddenly appeared on the list of the “officially hated”, were immediately purged. Loyalty to the Party, and to Stalin, was far more important than the mere “truth” about anything.

After Communism fell, hordes of the lost souls addicted to hatred were left with no way to hurt their neighbors as much as they wanted. Even the gulags were closed. They promptly became “environmentalists”. Red switched to green the same way loyalties had switched from anti-Nazi to Pro-Nazi and from Pro-Trotsky to anti-Trotsky.

To be sure that only the most loyal could be members of the Red-Turned-Green Party, another “switcheroo” was announced. Earlier environmentalists had proclaimed the dangers of “Global Freezing”.

Suddenly, with the blinding speed that was the hallmark of earlier “switcheroos”, the Party Faithful were required to turn one hundred and eighty degrees. They were made to ignore and renounce their prior commitments to “Global Freezing” and immediately proclaim the urgency of solving the “Global Warming” problem.

Environmentalists had no difficulty in making that “switcheroo”. They’ve learned that obedience to Party leaders is far more rewarding than taking concepts like “truth” seriously.
