False idols.

We who try to do God’s will eventually realize that our first mission is to believe. Then, we pray that our belief in Him will be sustained despite the continual attacks of the Culture of Death. As we grow, we realize that the same evil that inspired child sacrifice in the oak groves of Palestine is still at work among us.

Abortionists are the heirs of Baal. So are those who took DDT away so that they could murder with malaria. So are those who are causing mass starvation by turning food into the fraud that is ethanol.

Just as we love God and life, they hate both. And, they hate the kind of rational thinking and analysis that leads to either.

The latest idol raised by the father of lies is the bizzare, earth-worshipping cult of environmentalism. Environmentalism provides the Culture of Death with endless justifications for slavery and slaughter.

Those who speak for the false idols.

Those who have chosen to serve the false idols defend them at every opportunity. Some idolators are never far from a camera, so we see and hear from them frequently. They are always willing that others die, whether from starvation, malaria, or oppressive government. At the same time, they attack those who believe in God, truth, and life. The lines could not be more clearly drawn. At the end of all days, when earth and sky disappear and we are called to Judgment, it will be clear who’s on which side. The souls of those who defended truth and life will be spotless and unstained, washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb.

The soon to be sintered souls of those who used their time on earth to kill and destroy will be easily identified by our Final Judge. They do, of course, have time before the Final Judgment to change their ways. Many among them receive the grace to change their minds and ways, and will go on to eternal joy. But, it’s very hard for them. The more their souls are corroded, and the less sensitive their minds become to the effects of their actions, the harder it is for them to turn back to the Loving God Who made them.
