Fraudsters are persistent. Little good it does them.

One thing that life shows us is that people who lie are seldom deterred by truth. Each lie takes on a life of its own. If the lie will make enough money, the number of people eager to lie about it increases. There is an immutable “Lie Law “. “The number of liars, and the number of lies they tell, is directly proportional to the amount of money they will make by lying.”

When this is accompanied by Mark Twain’s dictum: “It’s hard to get a man to see the truth about something if his job depends on not seeing it.”, we can see that every single lie is praised by throngs of the greedy and the blind. That’s why some people are said to be “blinded by greed”.

As seen in yesterday’s post, the Global Warming Lie has such huge pots of money that even a seemingly honorable conservative can be purchased to support the Lie.

Most of us can look at half a thousand years of solar charts (sunspot measurements have been going on for centuries), compare them with rhythmic temperature fluctuations, and see that the connection between solar output and planetary temperatures is very, very direct. But, the Global Warming Liars are blind to it.

When faced with real and verifiable evidence, they just make up new lies. When those lies are exposed, they go back to the first lies, like dogs returning to their vomin, endlessly jiggering the evidence to make their case. All the while, more supporters are purchased while non-believers are increasingly slandered, vilified, and driven to the sidelines.

As a lie gains enough momentum, many who are neutral about the lie gravitate toward the liars. It’s so much easier to just go along than it is to stand up for truth that Catholic Fundamentalists cannot help but see Global Warming as The Programmer’s way of deleting defective programs so that they may be denied access to Heaven. Those who embrace and believe lies are, in the words of Revelations, “branded by the beast”.

Every age, after all, must have a way for its free-will programs (us humans) to make a choice between truth and lies. As St. Columban said, “Without a battle, there is no victory. Without a victory, there is no crown.”

Today, God uses the great Global Warming Lie to separate those He will choose from those He will reject. Pity our neighbors who sell their souls for the proverbial “mess of pottage”.

We know what will happen to those who let themselves be branded with the Mark of the Beast.
