Saintly intercessions.

Some Protestants have a problem with asking for saints to intercede for them. First of all, only the Roman Catholic Church has a valid process by which Big-League Saints are certified. Few professional Protestants, many having a hard time maintaining their own cash-flows, want to validate the power of the Roman Catholic Church, which may endanger the privileged place in the scheme of things that their founders may have seriously believed themselves to have had.

It’s hard, for instance, to imagine Lutherans asking Martin Luther to intercede for them. He was, after all, excommunicated and his soul sent to Hell by the only Church to Whom Christ directly gave both the power to confer sainthood and the keys to lock and unlock the Pearly Gates. One may wonder if only the Devil, therefore, could give Luther the power to intercede, and that intercession could do nothing but encourage more souls to be lost.

Most of us know that those in power take advice from, and do favors for, their best friends. God has no better friends from among humanity than the Saints who lived, and often died, for Him. Since we are made in his image, it only makes sense that He would listen to the requests of His very best friends.

In that light, it makes no sense at all to not ask a Saint whom we consider a friend to ask the most powerful Friend of all for help.
