
When England’s state church began to zoom leftward, many conservative Anglicans were appalled. The recent ordination of homosexual bishops concluded a leftish slant that began with giving the “OK” to birth control, back in the 1920s and 30s.

A few years ago, very large numbers of English Anglicans wanted to become Roman Catholics. Whole parishes of them were often led toward Rome by Anglican priests who saw that their own faith had replaced Scripture with political correctness. All of them hoped that their entire parishes, or most of them, would be received, en masse, into the Roman Catholic Church.

There were, by knowledgeable estimates, six or seven hundred Anglican parishes in Great Britain that wanted to make the switch.

Nothing happened.

England’s Roman Catholic Bishops, themselves mostly leftist, didn’t want to see conservative influences expanded in their sees. They sandbagged the transition. Many are being received into The Church on an individual basis, but the momentum of the movement was sabotaged.

We may pray that Rome intervenes, and allows as many as wish to join with The Church that prevailed in England for the thousand years that preceded the awful, evil wife-murderer who began the Anglican faith.
