Another thought on the difference between the beloved Jacob and the hated Esau.

It’s hard to imagine that God would hate Esau, and, by extrapolation, all those who are like Esau, merely because they were dumb. All of us are certainly less intelligent than some other people, and, if God loves us, we cannot seriously believe it’s because we believe ourselves to be smart.

It may be that some souls have a polarity that naturally draws them to God. Other souls may have a negatively attracted charge that draws them to the other side.

After we consider “soul polarity” as a cause of salvation, it’s almost automatic to wonder if anything can change the polarity of a soul.

After reading Scripture, it’s quite reasonable to assume that the two things we were told to do, love our enemies and do good to those who hurt us, are enough to change the polarity of souls that would otherwise be drawn toward eternal darkness and everlasting pain.
