Finding our path.

Most of us, at any age, wonder if we should be doing something else. Just like Adam and Eve, few of us have the joy that comes from being completely happy with what we’re doing.

We were programmed, at the moment of our conception, with the skills and abilities that make us what we are. One of our most important jobs is finding out what those skills and abilities really are. Just as some horses are meant to pull wagons, some are bred to pull sulkies at much higher rates of speed. Some race horses are bred to run fast in reasonably straight lines, others are meant to weave in and out so cattle may be roped. While some are painstakingly bred to run, others are, with equal care, bred to walk.

There are over two hundred and fifty breeds of horses, most of which were bred (to Catholic Fundamentalists, the selective breeding of horses is how human beings re-program The Programmer’s original Horse Program) to do specific things better than other horses.

Human beings have also re-programmed God’s original Dog Program to do an amazing variety of jobs that include guarding, herding, pointing, retrieving, attacking, fighting, and being good companions.

We may begin our quest for determining what our own, individual, Human Program does best by seeing what kind of dog and horse for which we have the most affinity.
