God judges us on the basis of our opinions.

Those of the opinion that abortion is a horrible sin have a chance of getting into Heaven. Those of the opposite opinion have no chance of salvation.

Few things in the Old Testament are clearer than that God hated those who killed children. He hated the people and cultures who “passed children through the fire”.

Each of us is either of the opinion that abortion is evil, or that it is not. Those most skilled at manipulating the huge idol of Public Opinion usually work for the forces of evil against the forces of good. Their machinations forced birth control and abortion on a public that was, at first, unwilling to accept either.

The carefully constructed idol of public opinion has brought many into the sin of thinking that abortion is desirable. Many are of the opinion that because larger numbers of minority children are aborted, their own taxes are lower. Others simply do not wish to be bothered with children of their own. Abortion is a perpetual manifestation of both greed and selfishness that is ever the dividing line between the saved and the rest.

The priests of Baal are still with us. They are elated, both with the death of innocents and the destruction of the souls that accept those deaths with an abhorrent smugness.

Faithful priests, who love life, are also with us. They stand with Him Who Programmed us all with both free will and the hope that we would use it to draw closer to Him.
