Whose opinion matters most?

As we explore the idea that God can program particles, compile them into systems and beings with amazing speed, and have them move through time, He becomes more real. Soon, we may see how reasonable it is that the complexity in the world around us is the result of The Unprogrammed Programmer’s week-long Programming Session.

This, of course, prompts us to take seriously the operating instructions provided by His Programming Logs and Operating Instructions, what our ancestors in the Iron Age called the Old and New Testaments. For some happy souls, obeying His Instructions becomes more important than participating in the endless caterwauling that comes from those who have embraced a far more conventional reality.

It is akin to reaching a landing on a stairway. When we reach that landing, we suddenly realize that the stairway has an end. We cannot avoid the notion that there’s a courtroom at the end of our stairway. In that courtroom, everything we did on the stairway is examined, right in front of God and all the saints and angels who helped Him.

His opinion of how we’ve done determines where we spend eternity. The weeds are burned, the wheat is gathered into His storeroom.

There is a recurring thought among those who study The Program and the Unprogrammed Programmer. “If we ask The Programmer to pardon our past programming errors at any moment before reaching the end of the stairway, and we don’t later turn and go back down, at Judgment we may be pardoned.”

Whichever happens, it is His opinion that determines our eternity. So, we can answer the question that began today’s entry:

Whose opinion matters most?
The Father’s, Son’s, and Holy Ghost’s.
If we don’t like it, we’ll be toast.
