Complex frauds.

Frauds exist because some people want to get money from others without doing honest work to get it. As automation increases, fewer people are needed to grow, build, and make things. Many of the otherwise unemployable get into fraudulent activities which generate the money to pay the high salaries they want by making taxes higher than they need to be.

The more useless the occupation, as many in the Global Freezing-Global Warming-Climate Change frauds know, the more lies have to be told to justify increasing transfers of money from workers to those who feed on them. The lies are inexhaustible. Frankly, they are impressive compilations of lies, but no more so than earlier thefts justified by the lies of the New Deal, the New Frontier, and the Great Society.

Those who embrace the environmental frauds have the same sickness of the soul as all fraudsters. They want to forcibly take money from their neighbors, and are willing to tell lies to do so.

The scale of decreasing eternal agony with which participants are repaid for their participation in the fraud goes something like this:

1. The very worst punishment goes to those hire people to invent lies to justify taking money from others.

2. The second punishment goes to those who invent lies for money. This group distorts facts and figures to justify lucrative false alarms. Those who publicize the lies and try to convince people that the lies are truths also fall into this category.

3. Those who willingly embrace the lies while knowing that they are lies are punished slightly less.

4. Embracing the lies because of political or personal pressure while knowing they are lies earns slightly less pain in the world to come.

5. Going along with the lies while thinking they may be lies gets a little less agony in the afterlife.

On the other hand, those who defend truth are rewarded on a scale:

1. Those who do the hard work of finding out the truth and defending it earn the most Heaven Credits.

2. Those who respond to the truth and support it earn nearly as many Heaven Credits.

3. Those who fight for the truth while praying for the weak, corrupted souls of those who participate in the lie earn the most Heaven Credits of all.
