
Catholic Fundamentalists believe that God had two reasons to provide us with His “Canine Program”. The first reason was so that we could re-program it, with selective breeding, to meet different needs. In our earliest days, the Canine Program was modified to provide watchdogs. The few people around at the time realized: “If Abel had had a watchdog, Cain might not have been able to kill him.” From that, it was a short step to get dogs to attack.

Other dogs were soon re-programmed to track, point, retrieve, and herd livestock.

His second reason for the Canine Program was so that we could consider what attributes we valued in dogs.

We value obedience. If a dog makes a mess in the house as soon as we leave, it’s not a dog that we want. If a dog won’t quit yapping, we don’t like it. No one wants dogs that fight all the time. We don’t like dogs that lie around all day. We dislike dogs that chase cars. We hate dogs that attack other dogs, children, neighbors, or the mailman. No one wants a dog that destroys their furniture. Dogs that run away are often gotten rid of.

If we behave toward our Heavenly Master the way we want our dogs to behave with us, we’ll be better people. And, we’ll have better dogs.
