Finding reality by going to the dogs.

The most complicated dog training results in a seeing-eye dog. Similarly, the most thoroughly trained of all the clergy, the Roman Catholic Priesthood, provides guidance to help us find our way into the best part of the next world. Long, long years of training are required before a man is received into the Priesthood. After that training, more years of sacrifice and discipline are required.

Most of us have not been called to join that elect group, the most Christ-like of today’s disciples. Or, if we were called, we may have covered our ears and stayed mired in earthly concerns. Most of us are more like circus dogs, able to do a few tricks that our fellows think worthy of reward. Some of us fetch and carry things, and we all like to chew on problems as do dogs on bones. Others of us like to find things, just as dogs sniffing out rabbits for dinner.

Police dogs are well trained. They hide their urge to bite with a great deal of training. In an ideal society, the most aggressive are channeled into defending flocks from more dangerous predators. Sometimes, the police, and the police dogs, can turn bad. Such have to be put away.

No one likes dirty dogs. Those that roll in various smelly things they find along the road are never welcomed into any but the very worst homes.

As we move through life, His Dog Program, and our variations of it, have many lessons to teach.
