Pointers point the way.

A dog instinctively knows that many birds will “sit tight” when threatened. Dogs have the innate knowledge that birds’ instincts tell them that very often, it’s better to be very still when something is hunting them. Pointers are bred to have good smelling ability and keen sight. They can often find sitting quail, pheasants, and woodcock that think they’re safely hidden.

When they find such a tempting target, a dog will instinctively sneak up on the bird. When it can lunge faster than the bird can take flight, it does so. Sometimes, it catches the bird. More often, it misses.

Training a pointer involves re-programming that “sneak, flush, and catch” instinct. When a well-trained pointer finds a bird, rather than creep up and lunge at the bird, it comes to a dead stop, and literally “points” at the sitting bird.

The hunter, gun at ready, walks up, flushes the bird, and shoots. If the shot is successful, the pointer turns into a retriever and brings the dead bird back. If the hunter misses, the pointer knows, and will often give the shooter a reproachful look, as if to say, “You are an incompetent!”

When we look at goals we want to reach, we may, like the pointer, find what we need, and ask God to help us get it. Many times, He, His saints, and His angels will help us get what we need far more easily than if we crash into the brush, thrashing around and trying to catch our quarry.
