Surprising information in the coal/nuclear battle

“A 1,000 MW coal-burning power plant could release as much as 5.2 tons/year of uranium (containing 74 pounds (34 kg) of uranium-235) and 12.8 tons/year of thorium. The radioactive emission from this coal power plant is 100 times greater than a comparable nuclear power plant with the same electrical output; including processing output, the coal power plant’s radiation output is over 3 times greater.”

It’s a surprise to most of us that a coal-fired plant puts more radioactive material into the atmosphere than a similar sized nuclear power plant.  Coal plants burn a trainload of coal every few days, all of which contains traces of uranium and thorium that add up to surprising sums.

More than ever, it seems like those fighting against clean, cheap, reliable nuclear power are simply so wrong they appear to be operating without common sense.

Wonderfully alarming headline that precedes a story that’s far less alarming  (from Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008):

One-Third of U.S. Homeowners Owe More Than Houses Are Worth, Zillow Says

The story under the headline shows different, far less frightening facts:

“Aug. 12 (Bloomberg) — Almost one-third of U.S. homeowners who bought in the last five years now owe more on their mortgages than their properties are worth, according to, an Internet provider of home valuations.”

(Italics added.)

This sort of distortion is a perfect example of what most in the media do;  twist and exaggerate facts in order to frighten as many as possible.
