The energy wars.

What used to be called “Christendom” now weakly identifies itself as “The West”. It has always been the most intellectual and inventive part of the world, providing everything from antibiotics to electricity.

While the West was strong, it was rich. As it weakens, its intellectual prowess diminishes, and its vast store of less-well defended wealth is being transferred to those areas of the world where tyranny has always been stronger than freedom.

The most tyrannical areas are under Moslem and Communist (MosCom) domination. Since the MosCom areas have, for generations, wiped out anyone smart enough to make trouble, they lack the intellectuals who can think of new ideas. Those in tyrannies can only steal from the West.

The West is still militarily superior, so western politicians have to be bribed to let the MosCom sections of the globe loot the Americans and Europeans. The only thing that such limited intellects can do to make money is to bribe their way into monopoly status as energy providers.

Because of bribed legislators, using environmentalism as a cover, the West cannot build nuclear reactors, coal-fired generators, drill oil wells, provide themselves with natural gas, or provide themselves with any real energy that doesn’t come from the Tyranny Section.

The MosComs have utterly corrupted the Western Democracies by bribing their officials, using environmentalism as the excuse, so that a vast flow of money ever moves their way in return for a tiny trickle of bribes to well-connected Westerners.

As we watch helplessly, the well-bribed officials of the West are winning an increasingly brutal war on their own people.
