Hating is self-destructive.

Hating is self-destructive. In all the world, only one religion says, “Love your neighbor. Do good to them that hate you.” All the others offer excuses, justifications, and commands to take advantage of, and even kill, those who differ from their own creed.

Hating rebounds on those who hate. When agencies promoting some form of earth-worship keep others from making a living, they lose tax money from their activities. When those practicing life-shortening sexual practices die in their forties, they die hating those whose teachings might have saved their lives.

The Third Luminous Mystery celebrates “The Proclamation of the Kingdom”. When we love God, and follow His command to “love your neighbor as yourself.”, we become aware that there is another Kingdom, in which His love rules.

It’s a wonderful place to live. There are no contradictions in it.
