Being beastly.

“Beast” and “beastly” are words that are not used as often as they used to be. In recent history, those who were “beastly” were crude, violent people. The adjective has been dropped down the memory hole of popular culture. Regardless, the mark of the beast, discussed frequently in the last month of columns, is always one of “beastliness”.

Abortion is about the most beastly thing that a person can chose to justify. The deliberate destruction of the most helpless of our neighbors is, in its very essence, “beastly”. From that fact, disputed by only the more beast-like hearts and souls among us, we can conclude that one mark of the beast is a pro-abortion attitude.

Those who say they are “against abortion” and that they want to “make abortion rare” know full well that as long as those for whom they vote keep it legal, more helpless babies will be destroyed. They, too, carry the Mark of the beast.

They do not like to have this pointed out to them, but if we do not, who will? And, if we don’t, they will be able to say (probably, to little avail) at Judgment, “I didn’t know. No one told me.”
