Trotskyite sweep.

The Trotskyite plan to create their own Energy Empire took a large, unstoppable step forward with yesterday’s elections. Various plans for short-term profiteers to benefit from carbon credits, cap-and-trade, subsidies, and other hugely profitable operations are progressing rapidly.

The public excuse for all this is “We must make the world safe from global warming.” The real reason is to create an Energy Empire to fund the Trotskyite dreams of empire. They are, of course, battling the great mass of people in order to loot them while directly undermining funding for the Stalinists’ Empire of Public Education, whose funding they have always envied.

Trotskyites have been wandering in the wilderness for decades. Now, they have found their promised land, and are able to profit from the growing need for energy of all kinds. The “Climate Crisis”, as their imaginary problem is now being called, justifies every conceivable type of regulation, inspection, legislation, and control over virtually anything anyone does.

They are eager take this step into the “brave, new world” that will provide hundreds of thousands of jobs for all manner of their supporters. Additionally, there will be endless subsidies for “renewable” energy, all accompanied by campaign contributions which will fund additional legislation for even more spending.

The truth about energy prices may be able to slow them down. It is a fact that wind power costs $1.20/kwh and atomic power can be reliable delivered safely for .05 cents/kwh.
