What will they complain about, now?

For generations, even centuries, America has been called “a racist nation”. This label, in a hundred forms, has been an important part of the stock in trade for generations of outraged liberals. At one estimate, over ten million Americans, employed by schools, universities, foundations, networks, newspapers, and government agencies have repeated several times a day, “America is a racist nation.”

Virtually every problem of every race has been blamed on “America’s incurable racism.” Now that the United States has elected the most unqualified, inexperienced candidate in its history as President, partly because of his race, all the complaints about “racism” are suddenly found to be completely and utterly unfounded.

What’s a professional liberal to do? They have so much invested in criticizing racism that they won’t be able to let it go. Soon, we’ll be regaled with the dangers posed by “Pockets of racism.” “Lingering racism.” is an easily foreseeable Imaginary Problem that will be trumpeted by the left, along with “Subconscious racism”. Others will concern themselves endlessly with “The undying legacy of racism.”

After all, no liberal can ever allow any problem to be solved, especially one that has as much funding built up as the Racism Industry.
