The hidden victims of abortion are among the most enlightened.

The hidden victims of abortion are among the most enlightened. Next Sunday’s reading concerns the separation of sheep from goats. On Judgment Day, all the souls that ever were stand before The Throne. The sheep are sent to the right, and eternal joy. Goats are ordered to the left, and eternal pain. Anyone who understands that there is even a remote possibility of that happening wants to be sent to the right. The more realistic that possibility becomes, the harder we work to ensure that we’re going to be classified as “sheep”, and have joy forever.

It is, many conclude, impossible for anyone to go to Heaven unless they are pro-life. They assume that there is not one soul in Heaven who was pro-abortion on earth. The Bible tells us how much God hated child-sacrifice. It is reasonable to assume that He, Who never changes, still hates it, today.

Many of us know people who are concerned about many, many problems. They worry about everything from neo-facism to vegetarianism. Their environmental concerns will drive them to buy a Prius. They believe in “fairness”. They are easily persuaded to take vitamin pills, and will worry extensively about cholesterol and other maladies for which they will take medication and watch their diets.

But, like German and Russian citizens living near death camps, they will ignore the abortions taking place in the cities around them. That “selective moral outrage” which elevates the most minor of problems to the most grievous while being blind to the death being inflicted around them, marks them as “goats”.

Compounding the sin, some will complain about the “inhumanity of the Germans” who ignored the death camps around them the same way that today’s leftists simple ignore the slaughters in their own cities.
