Underground, on the ground, above the ground.

We see holes in the ground made by animals that live beneath the surface. After a snow, tracks made by animals that live on the surface are visible. Birds, bats, and insects fly through the air.

All these animals are replicating programs living in and on other programs that He programmed for our benefit as an allegory of spiritual reality. We can let our souls live underground, in the dark, cold dampness. Or, we can let our souls soar toward God in Heaven. Most of us just move around on the surface, sometimes going down, sometimes going up, but mostly held where we are by the inclinations we’ve chosen.

Eagles seem to soar the highest, and badgers appear to be among the fastest, deepest diggers. Deer just stay on the surface. Most of us are neither eagles nor badgers, but, like the deer we tend to travel on the ground in groups, sometimes leaping an occasional fence.

The dimmest among us have the ability to draw closer to God. There is no correlation between intelligence and salvation because it would not be fair to have the vast majority of us automatically excluded. The least intellectual are as able to love God and their neighbors as the most intellectual. They usually do a better job of obeying Him than those clever, clever people who think they can outsmart Him.
