Souls beyond.

After the soul leaves the body, it goes to judgment. Then, it is sent where it deserves to be.

When any soul was first conceived, it had the power to absorb and transform the matter around it into a body. Dante tells us that what appear to be actual bodies are suffering greatly in Hades.

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that the same power that allowed the soul to “grow” a material body on earth allows that same soul to produce a body beyond. That “second body” could be programmed to appear with whatever speed The Programmer desires.

That “second body” is rewarded with joy or punished with agony. It is different than the “first body” in that it is able to stand infinitely more pain. It’s depth of feeling is intense, and unrelieved by passing out, sleep, or any other pain management that we know on earth.

There are no more important problems to explore. No time like the present to begin thinking about the mechanics of what happens when our soul leaves our body.
