Another whopper!

The Global Warming Lies are wonderful! They are an ongoing test of minds and souls, separating the blind from the sighted, the enlightened from the benighted, the independent thinker from the slave to intellectual fashions dictated by the most powerful tax-grabbers. Most importantly, the Global Warming Lies separate the lovers of lies from those who love truth.

In order to raise taxes, carbon dioxide, the very stuff of life, has been demonized as “dangerous”. All over the globe, elitists claim to be very, very worried about too much carbon dioxide. They do not realize that accurate carbon dioxide measurements have been made for nearly two hundred years. Following is a graph of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere:

As can be seen, the “dreaded” enemy of the lives utterly dependent upon it is well reduced from it’s previous highs half a century ago and almost two centuries ago. Like a yoyo, the level of carbon dioxide goes up and down. It does as much harm as a yoyo, going up and down.

Those who participate in selective sources (the above graph summarizes about 300 researchers over two centuries) in order to reach a desired conclusion are not scientists. They are lost souls, willing to sacrifice their souls for a bit of pottage.
