America’s energy policy

America’s energy policy. Pundits often complain that “America does not have an energy policy.” This complaint is followed by much head-shaking, frowning, and other indications of pseudo-intellectual disapproval.

America does have an energy policy. Energy must be as expensive as possible.

As a result, manufacturing jobs, dependent on energy, are disappearing to areas of low energy cost. Iceland, with cheap geothermal power, is becoming a major aluminum producer while North American and European aluminum producers are shutting down.

While jobs are intentionally destroyed, home energy costs are rising rapidly. 30-40% increases for home electricity are common. Natural gas, abundant off most of America’s coast, is “off-limits”. Environmentalists are not responsible. They are mere patsies, hired by powerful government and industry organizations to limit fuel sources.

America’s energy policy is to make power expensive. America has been taken over by those who hate their neighbors.
