Blame the victim.

The other side enjoys frequent “blame the victims” dialogues. I have personally heard teacher union representatives blame working mothers for their childrens’ learning and discipline problems. They never once considered that they, themselves, cause the high taxes that force many mothers into the workplace.

“Let’s feel better about ourselves by blaming the victim.” is encouraged by Calvinistic doctrines like “pre-destination”, or, in modern terms, “serves ’em right”. As Catholic Fundamentalists, we must learn to replace such Christian heresies with loving our neighbors.

But, criticizing our neighbors is so much easier than loving them. Unfortunately for our beloved vanity, choosing the former over the latter will keep us out of Heaven.

It’s always Babylon.

Many people discover there are groups of people who justify their own gain by impoverishing their neighbors. Selfish people and groups will go to any length to gain possession or control of the things The Programmer programmed. They will lie, steal, and kill to amass gold, silver, diamonds, stocks, properties, status, and subordinates.

Most of us have identified groups of people who can be held responsible for taking advantage of others. “I hate those dirty _______s!” is a type of thinking to be avoided.

It is easy to take a great deal of personal satisfaction in identifying and condemning groups who try to destroy others. It is a challenge to love them. Groups who violate His Commandments to take advantage of others are, in their unhappy nature, Babylonian.

Their greed outweighs love so much that they are blind to God and His commandment to “love your neighbor”.

The poor souls so overwhelmed by worldly desires that they hurt their neighbors are likely to go to Hell. We encourage the evil within them by hating them. Painful as it is, we have to love them to lessen the risk of spending eternity with the Babylonians.
