Dealing with hatred.

There is a Culture of Death. Its most enthusiastic supporters are filled with hate. Is anyone surprised?

A month or so ago, PEAS, GGL (PEAS, Green, Good, and Little) was mentioned as an mnemonic to help remember the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride, Envy, Anger, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust. Hatred is the end result of the demons who specialize in the various sins. The fabric woven of their specialized threads is hate.

Those demons are at work in all our minds. We can, and should, become aware when they become active. We will often have a sinful thought pop into our minds. Such thoughts should be countered by immediately recalling that we are to love God and our neighbor.

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that “God is love.” The opposite is true, “The Devil is hate”. Those who chose to aid the Culture of Death are our enemies. They hate us. They would like to see us enslaved, then dead.

Love them. Pity them. Their minds are overwhelmed by the very spirits whom they dare not believe are real.

Such poor souls have only a short time to fool themselves into thinking they are enjoying life before their souls are woven into the fabric of eternal agony.

Little bits of love are like yeast.

Kindness and charity are never forgotten. We should be both kind and charitable. The kindness of others to us helped us to be better. We should pass on those blessings to others at every opportunity.
