When there are no convenient countries to loot, Babylonians turn on their own people.

Taxes are a measurement of tyranny. A country with a ten percent tax rate, not dissimilar to most medieval monarchies, has enough to take care of its people.

When too many people are working for the government, the citizenry offers the only additional source for the raises and increased demand of those in its public sector. So, citizens are looted and controlled. Just as Russian citizens could not escape through the barbed wire, and American citizens were kept from buying property in Cuba, trapped citizens are relentlessly, ruthlessly taxed.

A powerful media convinces many that confiscatory taxation “helps”. Countless problems, from dyslexia to dioxin, are publicized. Most people are trusting, not because they actually believe what they instinctively know is a pack of lies, but because they will not be taxed to pay to “fix” the problems. With a cheerfulness that has to be seen to be believed, they know that they “are helping” by encouraging the unnecessary solving of an imaginary problem and will happily let their wealthier neighbors be looted.

None of them will ever understand that helping to shaft their neighbor works against them. Wealthy people say “Let’s legalize gambling.”
