It’s hard to imagine how pitiful they are.

Most of us are so used to the lies of the left that we don’t pay a lot of attention. We hear the usual claptrap about choice, trans-fats, salt, sugar, and temperature so often that we filter most of it out, shaking our heads sadly at the gullibility of our fellow free-will programs.

The problem is with their gullibility, but it’s on such a deep level that it’s hard to spot. Their gullible natures come from a lack of wisdom and discernment. Wisdom is a gift of The Holy Wireless Connector. Those who do not believe are, therefore, unable to use their gifts to find truth.

This is one reason Catholic Fundamentalism is so important. Suddenly, in an age awash in the worship of humans, the idea that “God can program in three dimensions” is a great relief. It’s like a breath of fresh air to realize “He can program particles, have them compiled into structures and beings, and let them move through time.” This relieves us of the waste of justifying nonsensical theories like evolution and the “big bang” and focus on loving our neighbors.

It’s also a great way to let people know that God is real, but has simply been defined too narrowly.

Once a person realizes that “God can program particles”, every theory put up by the Babylonians is seen for what it is, a distraction from, or an attack upon, the goodness of life and truth. A return to Church and Scripture is thereby made easier.
