Destruction begins with fragmentation.

Destroyers identify blocks of people and attack with a single-minded purpose. We see it clearly in Europe. “We must destroy Catholicism. Then, we must destroy those descended from Catholics, along with any remaining Catholics.”, decided the enemies of love and truth. “We will replace them with more obedient people who have no idea of God-given rights. They will be our slaves.”

Between Martin Luther and Vatican II, destroyers gained enough power to come far closer to their goals. At Vatican II, the very Mother of God’s announcement to the children of Fatima was ignored. The ancient Mass was watered down in a mad fit of remodeling. Vocations plummeted, Church attendance dropped, and the fragmenters said, “We are making progress.”

And, they thought they were.

Now, of course, more of us understand that God is The Programmer of Programmers. We realize that, simply by downloading a line or so of celestial code in the genes of a European with no more talent than Joan of Arc, Europe may recover in the blinking of a slow eye. Just as Don Juan of Austria destroyed the enemy’s sea power in a single battle, just as their Most Catholic Majesties reclaimed the Iberian Peninsula, just as David defeated all his enemies, Catholic Fundamentalists understand that God can re-program as He wishes.

Pray that He does so, soon.
