Is Heaven in the clouds? A cloud?

Is Heaven in the clouds? A cloud? The earliest section of Scripture describes the original Programming Sessions. It tells us that The Programmer frequently appears in the shape of a cloud. As a Cloud, The Programmer accompanied the Twelve Tribes as they traveled forty years toward the Promised Land. Also, in the form of a Cloud, The Programmer entered the Temple that Solomon built.

Is He usually in that form, or did He just appear that way when He wanted to be visible?

Catholic Fundamentalists consider seriously the possibility that the eternal and unchanging God is always in the form that allows free reign to His Substance. He, and His Programming Headquarters, may be one, or more, of the clouds passing overhead.

How big a cloud would He be? We know the precise size of The Temple. We may assume that The Programmer had it built to provide Him with a comfortable fit. The dimensions of Solomon’s Temple were duplicated in the Sistine Chapel, so that those chosen to be re-Programmed with the New Program can as relate as easily to how large God is as could those who downloaded the Old Program.

We do not see many rectangular clouds the size of the Sistine Chapel floating through the air. That may be because the Angels and Saints who surround Him have rounded off the edges, adding considerably to the barn-sized mass of Solomon’s Temple and the Sistine Chapel.

Is The Programmer the huge, billowing cloud above? A flat-topped thunderhead? Spread out in long, wispy cirrus clouds? Filling a long, foggy valley? Spread out in long lines of gleaming brightness moving majestically across the skies?

It is so bizarre as to be reasonable that He Who programmed granite may always choose to be in the form of a Cloud, halfway between nothing and everything. We could, if we were so minded, calculate how long it takes a cloud to circle the globe. We could guess that every few months, The Cloud that is God and His Heaven passes directly over each one of our heads.

So, we should always assume that The Cloud that glides above us now may be The One Who Knows everything we’ve thought and said and done since the last time He passed silently overhead. The thought helps keep us Catholic Fundamentalists on our toes.

And, our knees.
