The leftist mind. Selective use of brain segments.

All of us go through a phase where we enjoy liberal contradictions. Rousseau, the famous French leftist, spoke of the joys of “Primitive Life” while putting several of his children in orphanages where he knew they would starve to death. He was too vain to care.

We enjoy seeing Al Gore complain about “excessive carbon footprints” while flying to meetings in huge, private jets. It’s fun watching John Edwards complain about “over-consumption” while living in a house ten or twenty times bigger than the people whose votes he seeks.

It’s an observation of insanity to see people complain about badly treated animals while never complaining about aborted human babies. It’s fascinating to watch them inventing the imaginary terrors of “Man-made Global Warming!” as they ignore solar output, which goes up and down exactly on track with planetary temperature changes from Earth to Neptune.

Liberals complain about drug use, but never worry about over-drugging students with mind-altering drugs like Ritalin.

When we point out contradictions and inconsistencies that keep them from truth, we hear name-calling and often sense great anger.

They have shut down whole areas of their brain. Literally, they cannot see the truth because they have blinded themselves to it. When the New York Times reporter said “Communism is working” while millions were intentionally starved to death, he was valuing his own view of the world more than the lives of helpless Russians.

The acceptance of shallow excuses to justify the death of others is the hallmark of the liberal mind. And, of the soul that freely chooses damnation as its destiny.
