The sins of omission.

The sins of omission. Our biggest problem is getting to Heaven. It’s hard. We are sometimes reminded, “many are called, few are chosen”, one of the most worrisome sentences ever written. We work hard, we pray a lot, and we hope we’ll make it.

Oh, how we hope we will.

But, we’re aware of how little we did compared with what we could have done. That thought haunts us. The sins we commit by not doing as much good as we could are endless. And, frightening.

The sins we commit have, generally, a beginning and an end. We commit them, and if we stop committing them, we can be forgiven by the Sacraments.

Our sins of omission seem to go on forever. Still, we shouldn’t stop confessing them. The Programmer has provided His priests with the power to forgive what we omitted to do as easily as they can forgive the bad things we actually do.

It’s humbling to compare our activities with that of any saint, or near saint. They worked day and night to bring themselves closer to The Programmer and to bring Him closer to us. Most of us don’t do that.

Their vast power to do good works can help us if we ask them to. “Saint Anthony, let me find ways to be more like you.” is a good start.
