Power to the people or to the Marxist/Moslem axis?

Enemies of life and freedom are always on the attack. Since the earliest Marxists, ever-larger sections of the economy have been put under government control.

Why have environmentalists have worked so hard to keep private power companies from building more nuclear plants? They are being paid to do so.

The entire Russian economy is built on high energy prices. Huge gas and oil fields supply them with very cheap energy products. Grossly high energy prices are the only thing that keeps their nation afloat.

Moslem economies are equally dependent on selling cheap gas and oil at insanely high profit margins. Neither Marxists nor Moslems want their enemies in the more Christian counties to develop their own power sources. So, their subordinates in environmental movements work to stop nuclear reactors from being built, using fears generated by junk science and lots of campaign contributions to destroy our economies.

Their bribes and “campaign contributions” have made all of us pay excessively for power. We are weakened economically as more and more money is sent overseas to pay for needlessly expensive energy.

Most politicians are aware of this, but are too afraid of the Marxist/Moslem bloc and their media- entrenched shills to do anything about it.

In a democracy, elections are decided by how much money candidates can raise. Thanks to the exorbitant profit margins flowing to foreign oil and gas producers, they have endless cash to make those campaign contributions.

Our continued impoverishment is assured, due to the fear and venality of what appear to be “elected” officials and the false fears of nuclear power that have been spread throughout the most credulous segment of the population.
