All Saints Day

It’s hard to be a saint. Such sanctity requires loving and obeying The Programmer so completely that one must withdraw from self-interests. But, once that’s done, the person is authorized more direct access to Programming Assistance. When a saint asks for help, a saint gets it.

The Programmer responds to saints the way He responded to Moses by parting the ocean, to Joshua by having the walls of Jericho fall down, and to the prophets by giving them knowledge of the future.

All of us ask for Programming Assistance. When we do so, we should remember the saints. Not only did they have access to Programming Assistance while they were alive, but also, after they arrived in Heaven.

Today, St. Anthony can intercede for us. So can thousands of other saints. Many of us have the name of a saint somewhere in our given or baptismal names. That’s always a good place to start.
