Leftist hatred # 5,280, plastic bags.

When we had to bring home our groceries in paper bags, leaking fluids often caused the bottom of the bag to rip when it was lifted.

A huge mess would usually result, often with broken glass, ruptured containers, and a lot of wasted time, money, and food.

When ways to make cheaper bags out of plastic film were invented, they nearly eliminated the losses caused by paper bags.

Plastic bags were also a lot easier to carry. It’s amazing how many can be carried in one hand while the other hand unlocks the door, pushes elevator buttons, opens refrigerator doors, or carries a baby.

Plastic bags are cheaper, safer, and more convenient. And, they keep food from spoiling, thereby making it safer.

All good leftists hate plastic bags. Endless legislation is proposed to outlaw them. Cries are raised for “deposits” to be charged. Plastic bags are called names. “Wasteful”, “Irresponsible”. “Dangerous to animals who eat them.”

People who prefer to use plastic bags rather that the less safe paper bags have actually been insulted and shunned in grocery stores.

More legislation attempts to mandate “recyclable” bags occur every year.

Many leftists will, at the drop of a hat, go into impassioned speeches about the “dangers” of plastic bags. Googling “plastic bag dangers”, one finds 1, 880,000 entries!

One doubts that leftists will ever run out of things to hate.
