Global warming, prelude to higher taxes.

Those dependent on taxes love global warming. It provides endless opportunities to take money from neighbors to meet goals that can’t be met. Since weather is never perfect, trying to make it so will take trillions of dollars, and the cunning have gotten in on the ground floor.

The only people who think global warming is worrisome are small, easily brain-washed children and the least intelligent of adults. Most of us can see the graphs showing solar output, compare them with graphs that show temperature changes, and see the direct connection.

But, there’s never an abundance of tax money in truth, so great lies are told. Since democracies are run by billionaires who want more, we are regaled with lies about every possible, and profitable, alarm. Few distortions are as desperate, or as magnificently twisted, as the global warming lies.

Now, it appears that there has been global cooling for several years, reflecting reductions in solar output.

So, they are counter-attacking reality on two fronts. First, they are moving quickly to get profitable taxes and structures in place to profit from citizen activity before belief in global warming is more widely perceived as a sure sign of idiocy. Second, they are changing the great global warming fear into the “bigger problem of climate change”.

That way, they can make money if the sun shines more, or if it shines less.

Pray for these pitiful liars. Their lies are so complex, and they are so dependent upon them, that it is hard for them to break free to the Truth beyond.
