Fright Factories.

Many people don’t want a lot to do. But, they want a good income. Some have found that working for various tax-supported agencies is vastly easier, and much more lucrative, than private sector work. But, sometimes there’s a catch. They have to appear to be doing something useful, even if it’s something as ridiculous as the vast Department of Agriculture coming up with a “food pyramid” after a couple of decades of “hard work”.

There are very real few problems left to solve. So, successful agencies turn themselves into “problem factories”. They seek endlessly for new problems, alarms, frights, fears, and problems. Then, they breathlessly announce, “We are all going to die (young, painfully, needlessly) if we don’t spend a lot of money doing SOMETHING ABOUT WHAT WE’VE FOUND! Our agency is on top of the problem, but we need more funding to protect all of us, especially the (children, senior citizens, animals, plants, chemical composition of the atmosphere, our way of life, the food supply, and so on) from this Frightening Problem. ”

There are always fiscal fears. Financial Fright Factories magnify the problems of (Sub-prime loans, balances of payment, trade deficits, energy prices, food costs, etc,) and invent lots of REALLY SCARY problems “that will hurt working families, retirees, students, etc”.

It’s not just the tax-supported agencies that have frantic fright factories working full-tilt. The media needs lots of scares, too. Working hand in glove with tax-supported fright factories, they help, and are helped by, cranking out enough worries for every simpleton still paying attention.

With automation and imports, there are simply not enough production jobs. Just as one or two farmers now do what ninety five farmers used to do, so manufacturing is putting out more products with fewer people.

That’s why scares and alarms are so popular. They give a lot of people who don’t want real jobs paying what their skills are worth endless opportunities to get higher paying jobs doing something worthless.

They just have to lie and exaggerate a lot. Not a good way to prepare for a joyous eternity, but it’s their choice to get more for participating in lies and exaggerations rather than spending their lives doing useful work.
