Lies, death, and free money go hand in hand.

Those who make a living with lies like “Global Warming” are near-universally in favor of abortion. Those in the Culture of Death especially enjoy telling lies to keep brown and black people from using DDT to protect themselves from the suffering and death caused by malaria-spreading mosquitoes.

The Culture of Death, since the snake in the Garden, has provided its followers with excuses to kill or impoverish their neighbors while they, themselves, stay alive and prosperous.

It would appear that about half of the people in the United States are allied with the Culture of Death. In the last two Presidential elections, the Pro-Life forces eked out victory, but only by the slimmest of margins.

Most people, if they actually saw the unborn baby trying to escape the abortionists’ forceps, would be against abortion. But, such things are not allowed to be shown on TV. Those who keep the visual truth about these awful murders out of sight will be especially punished.

What of we who do not do more to protect the unborn? We believe in God, Scripture, and try to love our neighbors. But, only a few saints-to-be, like Father Marx and similarly dedicated pro-life people, do as much as they can to protect the unborn.

By the Grace of God, we may have escaped participating in the lies and funding that the latest devotees of Baal provide, but we should do more. We can begin with prayer. Each of those lost souls in the Culture of Death has, somewhere, a Guardian Angel that hates what the poor soul to whom they’ve been assigned is doing. Prayers, begging for the intercession of powerful spirits, may help turn them toward life and love.

Standing up for any truth can help. If a Global Warming profiteer can be shown that the sun causes most of the earth’s temperature changes, he may see he has been involved with lies. He may then begin to see that abortion destroys the souls not outraged by the murder of innocents. He may move away from the Culture of Death to embrace life and love.

God is not far away from any of us. Even the most hardened destroyer of innocent life can rearrange the tiny electrical charges in his mind from supporting lies and death to loving truth and life.

Reminding them of how close salvation can be is, in itself, a powerful inducement to seeking that salvation.
