Carbon silliness.

Those who use Global Warming as an opportunity to take over the world are very worried about “carbon footprints”. If we leave “too big” a carbon footprint, we are sure to condemn future generations to some unspecified horror or another.

In actual fact, each of us breathes out 2.2 pounds of carbon dioxide every day. That’s 803 pounds a year. That doesn’t come close to Al Gore’s jet output. But, when multiplied by billions of people, those who embrace carbon silliness have an excuse for birth control, abortion, and euthanasia.

The Culture of Death, by waving the flag of “Carbon Reduction”, now has an excuse to get rid of all of us. “For our own good”.

Not a single environmentalist has ever left a suicide note saying, “I could not bear to go on living, knowing that I was destroying the planet by breathing nearly a half-ton of carbon dioxide into the air every year.”
