
Out-of-work, impoverished people are more easily convinced they have a right to take money from their neighbors. So, the Other Side does everything it can to make people poorer:

Environmentalists have embraced bio-fuels.

That’s taken grain from agriculture, so Food prices have gone up.

Environmentalists have embraced solar heat, so. Energy prices have gone up.

Environmentalists love windmills, so Energy prices have gone up.

Environmentalists have stopped atomic power, so Energy prices have gone up.

Environmentalists stop new oil wells, so Fuel prices keep going up.

Environmentalists love to get people off

septic tanks and onto public sewers, so It costs more to flush.

Environmentalists love to get people unhooked

from their own wells and onto public water, so It costs more to drink water.

Environmentalists turn mud puddles into

“precious wetlands”, so Housing costs more.

Environmentalists make it impossible for

many to cut down trees or clear brush, so Fire, wind insurance costs more.

Environmentalists mandate more expensive

light bulbs that don’t work as well, so It costs more for light, disposal of


Environmentalists add “climate help” to

gasoline, so it Costs more to drive.

Environmentalists turn freon into “cause of

deadly ozone hole”. Now, .99 cent can of

freon costs over twenty dollars, so It costs more to keep cool, keep food from spoiling, run factories.

Environmentalists have eliminated asbestos

in insulation, brake pads, etc. So, World Trade Centers collapse because

asbestos insulation prohibited. Auto

brakes more expensive, not as good.

Environmentalists mandate catalytic converters,

all sorts of “cleaning” doodads on vehicles. Costs more to buy and maintain

cars, buses, and trucks.

Environmentalists legislate “scrubbers” to take the

last, tiny percentages of particles and “harmful”

gases out of smokestacks. Electricity costs more.

Environmentalists institute huge bureaucracies to

“protect the environment”. Everything costs more.

Environmentalists decide to clean up old mines,

industrial sites better left alone. Huge contracts

awarded to politically active supporters. Taxes are raised.

Various species said to be “endangered” when

construction, mining, or logging has to be stopped

to protect the politically connected. Land and other costs increased.

Each thing they do intentionally puts more of the proverbial straws put on the proverbial camel. They eagerly await the breaking of the camel’s back, knowing well that crippling burdens destroy families, governments, and businesses. That is exactly why they are being imposed. Environmentalists would rather crucify us to “protect the future” than let us have any money when we get there.

It’s obvious that they’re usually wrong, that they have chosen to be wrong, and that they revel in being wrong. Their clear, consistent desire is to make their neighbors suffer.

As such, they are our enemies, and we are clearly commanded “do good to them that hurt you.”

We have a duty to ask God to help them love their neighbors. As we do so, we must realize that the economic recessions that have already damaged many of our neighbors are directly caused by environmentalists and their dislike of virtually everything.

Additional note: It’s interesting that birds, a few years ago, were used as an excuse to stop spraying DDT, which was falsely alleged to damage their eggs. Today, the only thing that windmills produce efficiently is piles of chopped-up birds (most hawks and eagles can’t see straight ahead, but can only see down when they’re flying, so they’re prone to fly right into windmills), but there’s nary a word of complaint from the same environmentalists who used to worry so mightily about their eggs being damaged when the imaginarily thinning eggshells could be used as an excuse to get rid of DDT, thereby condemning more people to deathand suffering. They love to lie, especially when the lie causes death.
