It is amazing that polls consistently show that over fifty percent of people believe that God created the world in seven days. Such believers are routinely belittled.

It is amazing that polls consistently show that over fifty percent of people believe that God created the world in seven days. Such believers are routinely belittled. Most such believers have been spared the moral destruction provided by four years of college in secular institutions. Their minds operate better, without the static and interference caused by those whose professions are designed to drive people farther from God.

One way to reach those unable to believe that God could create the world in a week is to ask them simple questions: “Is God powerful enough to program in three dimensions? Can God program sub-Programmers who have the ability to program particles?”

Such questions are like very tiny bullets that hit a target of disturbed electrons in the mind of the non-believer. Answering the question forces them to, at least temporarily, try to order their mind in a way that their thoughts include a powerful God. That’s a big help to them.

Sometimes, you can actually see them wince at the pain this causes the mind that has accepted a disordered belief system.

All non-believers ignore that their basic natures are as created, spiritual beings. A large part of every mind knows this, but is unable to set itself free from the confusing, static producing charges (demons) whose job it is to keep the mind and soul they infect from a closer relationship with God.

The soul of the non-believer looks like huge Gulliver, tied down by hundreds of tiny Lilliputians. It is unable to move toward its maker, paralyzed as it is by the seemingly overwhelming throngs of disruptive charges.

The other side knows that God can program three dimensional particles. The other side knows that God can program anything He wants.

The other side does not want any of us even considering that point. So, after we make up our minds to be obedient, so that our own behavior does not conflict with what we say we believe, we can ask non-believers “Is God able to program in three dimensions?”

A conversation-generating variant: “I have been considering God as a Programmer so powerful that He was able to program angels (sub-programmers) that programmed the earth and all creation in a week. This belief is separating me from many of my former interests and is causing me to think more about spiritual issues. Can you help me get back on track by showing me how the idea of God as Programmer is false?”

The answers to such a question can only help us.

Don’t forget, there’s a free copy of “New Road to Rome” that can be downloaded in the “books” section.
