Excessive love of cash crushes goodness.

Those committed to maintaining cash flows hate having them disrupted. Those invested in buggy whips hated cars. Those invested in Old Media hate the internet.

It is a law of Catholic Fundamentalism that: Established cash flows tend to be directed by those not smart enough to threaten others in the cash flow.

Diversions of cash flows are attempted by criminals, who try to dip into a cash flow by force or fraud. Diversions are also attempted by those smart enough to see some advantage invisible to the intellects controlling a cash flow.

The most disruptive people are the most intelligent. Thomas Edison, for instance, disrupted thousands of cash flows, with inventions that destroyed everything from vaudeville to oil lamps.

If Thomas Edison had been in medicine, cancer would be cured. People that smart are usually filtered out of medicine. Medicine, after all, is a very large cash flow. One example of money’s power in medicine teaches us a great deal about reality:

When Sister Kenny invented a polio treatment that actually worked. Her solution was to wrap afflicted limbs in very hot, moist towels. Her inexpensive therapy stopped muscle atrophy almost as soon as it started. She had committed the world’s greatest sin: she took away one cash flow without adding a new one.

Salk, on the other hand, developed a vaccine for polio that could be sold at a great profit to entire populations of wealthy nations. He diverted a huge flow of cash into the medical monopoly. He was hailed as a genius; Sister Kenny as a crank.

Poor people in poor countries could not afford the vaccine, but they could afford hot towels. Because of the desire to maintain cash flows, no hot towels for them.
