Judas is still plotting with earthly powers

Judas is still plotting with earthly powers. The other side has concocted another of their ongoing plots against the holiness and sanctity of Christ and His Church. This one is years in the making, beginning with the “discovery” of a “new gospel”, followed by its translation and all-media publicizing.

The stories purport to be “fair” and “look at both sides of the issue”. What that does is put lies on a parity with truth. That is their goal.

Catholic Fundamentalists immediately look to the source, the National Geographic Society. We remember that this is the same group that, back in the early 1900s, reported that the new Communist government of Russia was “an enlightened step forward” even as gulags and intentional starvation were beginning.

If you want to think as the other side wants, and see pretty pictures at the same time, the National Geographic is for you.

In fact, St. Eusebius, writing in the third century, was familiar with many false “gospels”. They were frequently written by those who saw the possibilities of personal gain by inventing their own variations of Christianity and who could obtain funds for their expensive, hand-written proliferation of outright fraud.

Today, the expensively coiffed broadcasters of such drivel utilize self-important academics, many angry that they have been “overlooked” for so long, to put forth the desired point of view.

That point of view is ever the denigration of truth and the exaltation of lies. Pity them, pray for them, and ignore them. Their motives are neither the search for truth nor the salvation of souls.
