Catholic Fundamentalism on polygamy.

Catholic Fundamentalism on polygamy.


Societies usually have a fairly equal ratio of men to women. So, for every man with five wives, four other men will have no wife at all.

If every married man has five wives, then in a society with one billion people, one hundred million men will have five hundred million wives. Four hundred million men will have no wives at all.

They will tend to make trouble, so their activities must be carefully controlled, at great expense. Many must be occupied making war on their neighbors. The reason that they must risk death? Richer and more powerful men have taken the wives with whom, in a one-wife culture, they could have built families and futures.

Of these four hundred million men, the smarter ones are most likely to be destabilizing. They are smart enough to see that polygamy is causing all kinds of economic, social, and emotional problems. Those who verbalize their concerns are the first to be neutralized. They are jailed, killed, or exiled. Or, parts of their bodies are cut off. That process of getting rid of the smartest among the unmarried 4/5s of the men dumbs down the society.

The one hundred million men who have all the wives are usually not the smartest men. Greedy? Yes. Ego-centric. Yes. Inherited the most money and property. Yes. But, they are not usually among the smartest.

So, the fathers of most of the children are not the smartest men. It is true that society, to be successful, needs smart men. One Thomas Edison can move a freer society very far ahead. So can a Henry Ford or a Westinghouse, Carver, Goodyear, etc. Such men often appear from modest, humble circumstances; such geniuses are the happy accidents of monogamy.

Those men never seem to come from countries that have been polygamous for many, many generations. Never.


The man with many wives is saying to nearby men without wives: “I will have many, many, many legitimate children to inherit my name and property. You will not. I am taking for myself women who will never be your wives. I am taking your families. I am destroying your futures. I am so much better than you are that I do this without feeling one bit of guilt. Why? My superiority to you is not my doing, but the will of Allah. It is kismet. It is fate.

Catholic Fundamentalists understand that polygamy is the logical conclusion of Calvinist determinism that reduces men and women with free will into helpless pawns of the richer and more powerful. Like Calvin, Mohammed began a religion that justified itself by material success. Like Calvin, Mohammed killed those who disagreed. Great suffering is the inevitable result of such beliefs.

Polygamists will fight to maintain the status quo. Their religion, government, and internal domestic operations are all there to keep the powerful in power. The weak and the poor are trampled.

Polygamous societies cannot be defeated until the idea that polygamy is good is seen for exactly what it is, a manifestation of lust by the richer and more powerful. It is the cornerstone of heresy, as always, resting on the foundation of vanity.


All involved in polygamy are lessened by it. Wives do not have one husband, but a portion of one. Similarly, husbands have a portion of each wife. Children are always less than they would be in Christian countries. Daughters are mere pawns in future trades for dynastic advantage, often with men as old, or older, than their father. Sons know that, as soon as they are of age, most will be sent away to lead sterile lives.

Each family is deeply at war within itself. Each mother and her children form competing squads within the turmoil. Within each squad, there is a constant battle for dominance.

The favored son of the favored mother will generally inherit the majority, if not all, of the father’s estate. He will maintain funding of all institutions that will maintain his authority, just as his father did.

Often, the anointed heir used to kill or exile his brothers. Now, he subsidizes institutions that convince them to be suicide bombers.


Black people in American have IQs that average about 25% higher than African Blacks. This “intellectual rebound” is caused by the fact that their intellectual capacities are no longer limited by the polygamy that has, through history, intellectually weakened African societies.

Polygamous Africa had small numbers of men with large numbers of wives. Parts of polygamous Africa had the smallest numbers of men with the largest number of wives this side of Ottoman harems. In Africa, surplus men were, and still are, sold into slavery. That helped fund polygamy, in a sick sort of economic cannibalism. The increasingly limited gene pool of who were in a position to have children produced the inevitable intellectual decline that afflicts polygamous societies.

In monogamous America, the children of Ham have been free to marry whom they please. In only a few generations, individual IQs had risen to the point that George Washington Carver invented revolutionary uses for agricultural products, almost single-handedly combining agriculture and organic chemistry.

In polygamous Africa, a George Washington Carver would have been killed, eaten, or sold. By the 1950s, the income of American Negro families was nearly that of whites, rates of illegitimate births were practically zero, and segregation was disappearing.

Naturally, no modern government could stand to see people being successful on their own. They moved in to stop it with well-funded groups that focused on “civil rights” rather than on individual accomplishment. To re-lower IQs, they invented “welfare” programs that rewarded women for having large numbers of illegitimate children, often to the most dangerous and aggressive consorts.


The problems polygamy causes simply won’t go away. Alienated families with groups warring among each other invariably produce people who lose in power struggles for assets.

Some young men have experienced loss after loss in family battles. They hate the fathers who disinherited them and the brothers who got the estates. They become bitter, angry, and develop the personalities that can let them be turned into terrorists. They soon begin associating with a whole group of even more angry, bitter young men, whom they readily join in war with the West. And, with the East.

They fight Hindus and Buddhists, as well as Christians. Their bitterness knows no boundaries. Christian societies don’t produce that sort of terrorist personality in such numbers.


Inbreeding causes a drop in intellectual ability. Polygamous societies end up with more inbreeding than monogamous societies. Section I pointed out that if the average polygamist has five wives, out of a billion people four hundred men have no wives. All children will come from 20% of the men. In the following generation, 80% of the men will likewise be excluded. As generations pass, inbreeding increases geometrically. As that happens, the only escape from declining intellectual ability is several generations of monogamy.

Factually, polygamy is not quite as concentrated as in the 1:5 ratio of men to wives. But, all increases from 1:1 cause the lessening of intellectual, and other, abilities.

Monogamous Hindus, for instance, adopt to the modern age more quickly than the children of polygamy, though both Hindus and Moslems left the Iron Age about the same time. Actually, only the former left.

(Catholic Fundamentalists, by the way, think that Hindus and Hinduism are a Hebrew-based people and religion. They reach this conclusion by seeing the similarity with “Abraham” and “Brahmin”. Catholic Fundamentalists also see the connection between the golden calf, to whom people turned as soon as Moses went away for a few weeks, and the honor Hindus continue to show to cattle.)


The inner cities have taught us that people who feel abandoned by their fathers tend to be violent. Violence, in controllable amounts, provides all sorts of funding opportunities in western nations, none of which work very well.

In polygamous countries, there is less time for a father to love his children. Families become battlegrounds. The winner of the father’s attention, and later estate, is the one who most firmly believes the justifications for polygamy, thus insuring another generation of polygamists.

Those cut off from their fathers’ attention, and by their fathers’ wills are angry and hostile. So, the polygamists invent a religion that focuses their anger on outsiders who did absolutely nothing as bad to them as their own families.

Summing up, there is no way to fix it. Polygamists do not have a “loving God”, they do not have a “fatherly God”, they have only obedience to their laws, and those laws are based, if not on actual hate, on a mechanized universe in which there is no love.


First came polygamy, then came the religion to support it. The early Jews were polygamous. Moses was afraid of them, so he allowed it. Jesus, at one with The Holy Spirit, was afraid of nothing. He forbade it.

Polygamists hated that doctrine and the Loving God who made it. They helped any religious leader who would help them justify their lust. The one who justified it best became their leader. So, they have a religion whose God is not love and whose teachings mandate murder.


Reducing women to property simplifies life. Suddenly, the number of neighbors one has to respect is cut in half. And, what is euphemistically called “female circumcision”, holding down a young girl and scraping away her clitoris with a sharpened spoon, further simplifies the life of those who can add such maimed children to their collection. No need to worry about making her happy or satisfied. Easier to destroy and maim. The owner of the harem wants things to be kept simple.

Polygamy further reduces women because it has mechanisms to make it easy to throw away those who are unwanted. “I divorce, thee”, repeated three times, is all that’s necessary. Without skills, easy divorce without alimony makes women utterly dependent on pleasing their husbands. If they are thrown away, and fall into the streets, they can be executed as “adulteresses”.

Why aren’t feminists in Western countries outraged? They’re bribed.


Polygamy and slavery go hand in hand through the ages. Slavery provides a market for unwanted children, men, and women. Polygamous wives live in fear of being sold, so pleasing their owner/husband becomes a way of life.

Slavery provides a source of discipline for the husband/owner. No one in the family dares to argue. He has more than the power of life and death, he has the power to inflict a life of pain and servitude on any member of his family who displeases him.

“I hate to sell a family member into slavery, but it will help the rest of them want to do better, so it is my duty.”

Any number of very holy men will agree.
