Global warming, a most magnificent lie.

Catholic Fundamentalists always assume that any intellectual fad is a lie. Global Warming is a truly magnificent lie, a huge, swelling rotundity of a lie. When circus sideshows used to have fat men, that’s how big a lie Global Warming is. It is one of the biggest, most impressive lies the other side has ever told. Billions of people have been taxed to pay for the thousands of mini-lies woven into Global Warming.

Really Big Lies are important for several reasons. First, they are like IQ tests. They show us who’s been dumbed-down enough to believe them. Second, they let us know who is too cowardly to condemn them for what they are. Lower on the moral scale, we can identify those who profit from them.

It is the very beginning of the Global Warming lie that makes it most cunning. It is based, in its dark, dark heart, upon vanity. “You, human being, are so powerful and important that you are affecting the climate.”

Then, a greater vanity kicks in. “Since you, ordinary citizen, are so powerful that you are affecting the very earth we live on, we must tell you what to do to save us all.”

It’s ever harder for most of us to fathom the ridiculousness therein. Ninety three million miles away is a ball of fire that’s almost a million miles in diameter. It would hold a million earths inside it. It spews out so much energy that the small amount that hits the earth keeps it warm.

Small variations in the amount of solar energy that hit the earth cause large variations in our climates. A few sunspots moving across the face of the sun make a difference.

Compared with earthly volcanoes and solar flares, only the vainest human could believe that they are powerful enough to make a meaningful change in climate.

Being regulated and taxed to protect the earth becomes a compliment to how important each of us is.

Vanity is the key to the success of any taxation. “We are grateful to you, dear and sensitive citizen, for helping to make things better.” When combined with intentional under-education, mis-education, and intentional dumbing-down, vanity is the doorway to slavery.
